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So far user has created 220 entries.

Review: National Youth Orchestra of Canada in Montreal

Caroline Rodgers, Ludwig van Montréal, 23rd July 2019

“With 94 musicians, the mass of sound is largely sufficient, the dynamic contrasts are underlined with broad strokes, and the path is drawn so that the listener understands everything happening in real time.

We can’t help but be amazed by such an eloquent [Symphony No. 5 by Mahler] […]

Musikfest Speyer: The number of visitors increase by twelve percent

Claudia Heck, Die Rheinpfalz, 11th July 2019

After four days, seven concerts, five venues, and a gratifying percentage of seats sold, the German State Philharmonic Orchestra of Rhineland-Palatinate delivers a positive summary of its summer residence in Speyer.

Judith Schor, head of communications and dramatization at “Just under 2000 patrons paid a visit to the city […]

San Diego’s Best Kept Secret: The Mainly Mozart Festival

Jim Farber, San Francisco Classical Voice, 25th June 2019

“The concert at the Balboa Theater in downtown San Diego (a beautifully restored and acoustically bright former movie palace) began with Mozart’s Symphony No. 38, K. 504 (Prague) with it’s rich, dramatic phrasing and orchestration that would inspire a young Beethoven, followed by the Piano Concerto […]

Mainly Mozart Orchestra Delivers Haydn and Mozart to Cherish

Ken Herman, San Diego Story, 14th June 2019

“Haydn’s Symphony No. 49 in F Minor, “La passione,” speaks the language of spiritual drama rather than Mozart’s realm of social and class drama. Especially in the symphony’s expansive slow opening movement, Francis discovered the power of understatement, and the orchestra responded with its most compelling sonority […]

Michael Francis and Mainly Mozart Orchestra Illuminate Superb Mendelssohn Fifth Symphony

Ken Herman, San Diego Story, 9th June 2019

“Francis conducted a compelling and impressively insightful interpretation of [Mendenlssohn’s] “Reformation” Symphony, elegantly delineating its many deftly scored contrapuntal sections—even in the opening movement’s bustling Allegro con fuoco—with refreshing clarity. He danced through the ebullient second movement, and empathetically shaped the cantabile themes of the Andante…

Francis and […]

Review: Mainly Mozart Festival Orchestra

Christian Hertzog, U-T San Diego, 9th June 2019

“The orchestra was precise, responsive to Francis’ conducting, with an effortless beauty of tone.

The concert began with a spirited performance of Handel’s “Music for the Royal Fireworks.” It’s always a treat to hear orchestral music by Handel that is not “The Messiah.” Francis and the musicians captured […]

Elite musicians from all over the world meet in San Diego every year for the Mainly Mozart Festival

Beth Wood, U-T San Diego, 26th May 2019

A gathering of high-caliber musicians from prestigious orchestras from around the world is a treat for both audiences and musicians. It also raises the level of the performance, which makes everyone involved even happier.

This synergistic dynamic is a big reason behind the Mainly Mozart Festival’s success and […]

Review: Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz

Stephan Hoffman, Mannheimer Morgen, 12th March 2019

“At the concert at Mannheimer Rosengarten, it was immediately obvious: The two are a match made in heaven. The orchestra played Beethoven’s Second Symphony with more speed and verve, more fire and precision than ever before. The musicians went to a number of extremes: extremely quiet, extremely pointed, […]

Review: Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz

Karl Georg Berg, Die Rheinpfalz, 9th March 2019

“Symphony No. 2 in D major (Op. 36) by Beethoven was charged with explosive energy by the British maestro Michael Francis from the very first bar. Quick time measures (quite true to Beethoven’s metronome specifications), a dry sound, sharp contrasts with effectively utilized moments of surprise—these were […]

Michael Franics conducts the San Diego Symphony in a Program of the Young Romantics at The Jacobs Music Center

Ron Bierman, Broadway World, 22nd January 2019

“British conductor Michael Francis is known to San Diego concert goers as the music director of the city’s Mainly Mozart Festival. Since taking the job four years ago he has embarked on an ambitious chronological survey of the music of the composer who inspired the festival’s name. On […]